
• Team Leaders

Francisco Bosca

Research Scientist (CSIC)

Francisco Boscá, native from Oliva (Spain), completed his PhD in Organic Chemistry at the University of Valencia in 1992. After postdoctoral periods at the University of Illinois (1994) and at the University of Wales (1995), he joined the Institute of Chemical Technology (ITQ), joint research centre of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) as postdoctoral researcher. He is currently a Research Scientist (since 1999) at ITQ as member of the CSIC.

His research focus is on the study of photophysical and photochemical properties of different types of photosensitisers looking for possible applications in the development of solar cells and phototherapeutic agents, and in the design of new nanomaterials for synthetic applications.

M. Luisa Marin

 Full Professor (UPV)

M. Luisa Marin did her PhD at the University of Valencia (UV). In 1996, she moved to Imperial College (London, UK), where she spent two years as a postdoctoral Pierre and Marie Curie fellow. When she came back to Spain, she moved to the Institute of Chemical Technology (ITQ) at the Technical University of Valencia (UPV) to work in the field of photochemistry, photophysics, and photobiology. Since February 2019, she is a Full Professor at the Chemistry Department of UPV.

Her research interests are focused on the synthesis and mechanistic evaluation of heterogeneous photocatalysts for sustainable organic synthetic processes and the decontamination/disinfection of wastewater, and the development of conductive polymeric devices.

She has spent several periods at the University of Ottawa working within the group of Prof. J.C. Scaiano (in 2013, she was a Distinguished Visiting Researcher at the University of Ottawa). Recently, she has been awarded as a 2023 Visiting James Chair Researcher at St Francis Xavier University in Antigonish (Nova Scotia, Canada).

She is the coordinator of the “Escuela teórico-práctica de técnicas de fluorescencia y fotólisis de destello láser”, an official postgraduate course taught yearly at the UPV.

•  Posdoctoral researchers

Alberto Blazquez-Moraleja

Margarita Salas Ph.D.

Alberto Blázquez Moraleja (ORCID 0000-0003-1375-930X; Scopus Id, 57189217506) Ph.D. in Pharmacy with Excellent-Cum Laude qualification from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2020. He did his Ph.D. Thesis with an FPI grant (BES-2015-073671) at the Instituto de Química Orgánica General (CSIC, Madrid) on the design and synthesis of novel fluorescent compounds with application in bioimaging. He has a broad academic background, with a degree in Pharmacy, a Master’s in industrial microbiology, and more than 30 specific courses. During his research career, he has made scientific stays in national and international R&D centers: The Queen’s Medical Research Institute (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom), Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias (HUCA, Oviedo), Instituto de Química Orgánica General (CSIC, Madrid) and Instituto de Tecnología Mixta (UPV, Valencia). In addition, he has participated in several R&D projects of public and private-industrial management, and he is the first author of several scientific articles in high-impact journals. His scientific achievements include the development of two patents with PCT extension (PCT/ES2022/070516 and PCT/ ES2018/070477) based on the development of new fluorescent probes.

Currently, Dr. Blázquez-Moraleja has a Margarita Salas contract from the Complutense University of Madrid for the requalification of the university system (2021-2023), whose two-year stay is developed entirely at the Institute of Chemical Technology (Technical University of Valencia-CSIC) where he combines his research work focused on photocatalysis with teaching (degrees, masters, international program Study Abroad for foreign students and Senior University for over 55 years).

Luciana C. Schmidt

María Zambrano Ph.D.

Luciana C. Schmidt obtained her Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2009 from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina). She has several postdoctoral stays; at Universitat de València under the supervision of Prof. Perez-Prieto (2010-2011), at Ottawa University under the supervision of Prof. Scaiano (2011-2012), at Universidad de Paris Diderot – Paris VII under the supervision of Prof. Robert (2015). She temporarily stayed as a Researcher Invited within the framework of the VLC-CAMPUS “Atracció de Talent 2018” Subprogram, Universitat de València. In 2015, he entered the Research Career of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), working at Instituto de Investigaciones en Fisicoquimica de Córdoba. (INFIQC) – Department of Organic Chemistry of the Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. The UPV currently hires her as Distinguish Research through a requalification grant, María Zambrano modality (2022-2024). Among his interests and scientific objectives, it is important to study in depth the photophysical and photochemical processes of catalyzed reactions to contribute to the development of new sustainable heterogeneous materials with applications in various fields, with special emphasis on their use as photocatalysts capable of taking advantage of visible light. Luciana received more than 2000 citations and has an H-index of 15.

Lorena Tamarit


Lorena Tamarit Mayo (Valencia, 1994) obtained her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) in April 2024, and her academic background includes a Bachelor’s (2012) and Master’s (2018) Degree in Chemical Engineering at UPV. Lorena has worked in the field of photochemistry since 2019, participating in different projects (national and international) at Universidad de La Rioja, being part of the Organic Photochemistry Group (GRUFO), and at Polytechnical University of Valencia, as a member of a joint research team involving Polytechnical University of Valencia (UPV), Health Research Institute La Fe (IIS La Fe) and Institute of Chemical Technology (ITQ UPV-CSIC). Her work has been published in high impact journals (ORCID 0000-0001-9615-5004, Scopus ID 57271325000).

Currently, Lorena is hired by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) at the Institute of Chemical Technology as a PAMA group researcher, focusing on the characterization by means of spectroscopic techniques, among others, of new synthesized heterogeneous materials for different applications.

• PhD students

Antonio Bosio

MSCA Predoctoral Student

Antonio Bosio (Savigliano, 1997) graduated from the University of Turin (UNITO) in 2023. Thanks to the Erasmus Traineeship program, he spent a period at the Instituto de Tecnología Química (ITQ) working on the development of new photoactive materials for water decontamination. This work constituted his master’s thesis entitled “Investigation of the Degradation of Organic Water Pollutants by Photoactive Materials.” He is currently working on his PhD titled “Synthesis, Characterisation, and Evaluation of New Supported Photocatalytic Materials for Water Decontamination/Disinfection” within the MSCA Doctoral Networks program ‘Human Footprint on Water from remote cold areas to the tropical belt: INtegrated Approach TO Secure water QUAlity by exploiting Sustainable processes.

Ander Diego-Lopez

FPI-UPV Predoctoral Student

Ander Diego Lopez (born Artziniega, 1998) obtained his bachelor’s in chemistry in 2020 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU). He performed the last year of the bachelor in Utrecht University, where he did his bachelor’s thesis at the Van‘t Hoff laboratory of physical and colloid chemistry. In 2021, he obtained his master’s degree in “Sustainable Chemistry” at the Technical University of Valencia (UPV), where he did his master’s thesis on “Development of novel WO3-based heterogeneous photocatalysts for wastewater decontamination”. He is currently doing his PhD on “Development of novel WO3-based heterogeneous photocatalysts for simultaneous contaminants of emerging concern elimination and H2 generation” under a scholarship from Universitat Politècnica de València for the Predoctoral FPI fellowship (FPI-UPV/Subprograma 1).

Claudia Costa Selles

Predoctoral Student

Claudia Costa Sellés (born Alicante, 1999) obtained his bachelor’s in chemistry in 2021 at the University of the Alicante (UA). In 2022, he obtained his master’s degree in “Organic Chemistry” at the University of Valencia (UV), where he did his master’s thesis on “asymmetric synthesis of fluorinated indolizidine”. Subsequently, he worked for two years in the pharmaceutical industry as a Research Associate. She is currently doing his PhD on “preparation and evaluation of new heterogeneous catalysts active in the visible spectrum region with different environmental applications”

• Technicians 

 Murta Capella

Senior Laboratory Technician

Murta Capella Argente (Alzira, 1998) obtained her bachelor’s degree in Chemistry in 2021 and her master’s degree in Organic Chemistry in 2022, both from the University of Valencia. During her master’s thesis she worked with lanthanoid-anilato complexes with magnetic properties. Her current research is focused on the synthesis of new photocatalytic materials for the conversion of CO2 into value-added products.

Pilar Collado

Senior Laboratory Technician

Pilar Collado Martínez (Albacete, 1996) obtained her Bachelor Sc. Degree in Chemical Sciences in 2022 at the University of Valencia (UV). She is currently finishing her Master Sc. Degree in “Advanced Laboratory Management” (UCLM). Previous work experience in I+D+i Consultant. Her current research is focused on the synthesis of new heterogeneous photocatalysts for the degradation of organic contaminats (ITQ, UPV-CSIC).

Carlos Company

Senior Laboratory Technician

Carlos Company Doménech (Alcoy, 1999) obtained his Bachelor Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering in 2022 from the Technical University of Valencia (UPV). He is currently finishing his Master Sc. degree in Sustainable Chemistry at the Institute of Chemical Technology (ITQ, UPV-CSIC). His current research is focused on the synthesis of new heterogeneous photocatalysts for the degradation of microplastics.

María Deltoro-Lopez

Senior Laboratory Technician

Maria Deltoro Lopez (Valencia, 1996) graduated in Chemistry in the University of Valencia (UV) in 2020, where she finished her studies working at Institute of Materials Science (ICMUV) in the synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites. She obtained her Master´s degree in Environmental Pollution, Toxicology and Health from University of Valencia in 2021. During her study, she was working on composting and plastics degradations. Since 2022 she is working at Institute of Chemical Technology (ITQ, UPV-CSIC), where her research is focused on synthesis of new photocatalysts applied for water decontamination.

• Students

Nerea Blasco Bilbao

Master’s thesis student

Nerea Blasco Bilbao (Bilbao, 2001) obtained her Bachelor Sc. Degree in Chemistry in 2023 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She is currently doing the master of Sustainable Chemistry at the Institute of Chemical Technology (ITQ, UPV-CSIC). Her current research is focused on the synthesis of new photocatalytic materials for water decontamination.   

• Research visitors

Willber Castro-Godoy

 University of El Salvador

• Old Members

      • Luis N. Ponce-Gonzalez (2020-2024)
      • Willber David Castro Godoy (2023)
      • Raquel Rubio López (2023)
      • David Catalán Fenollosa (2023)
      • Jenny Flores García (2018-2022)
      • Edgar Marcelino Pérez (2018-2022)
      • Oscar Cabezuelo Gandía (2018-2021)
      • Eduardo L. Gutiérrez (2022)
      • Antonio Bosio (2022)
      • Ilektra Toliu (2022)
      • Sara Gamba (2021)
      • Abdessalim Chahid (2021)
      • Sonia Sierra (2021)
      • David Dalmau (2021)
      • Cristina Anaya Gonzalez (2015-2020)
      • Sergio Galve Lahoz (2020)
      • Rocío Torres (2019)
      • Virginia Diz (2018)